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How to get married in 21 days

 Day 1 

 This is an open and extremely intensive course on tuning your vibrations.

 All you need is responsible work on yourself...

 Day 2 

Как выйти замуж. День 3 - lee
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День 4 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 6. - lee
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Как выйти замуж день 7 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 8 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 9 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 10 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 11 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 12 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 13 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 14 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 15 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 16 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 17 - lee
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Как выйти замуж быстро
Как выйти замуж. День 18 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 19 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 20 - lee
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Как выйти замуж. День 21 - lee
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как выйти замуж за

The course "How to get married in 21 days" is not advice on the right behavior or arrangement of personal life. This is the formation of internal sensations, self-awareness - "who am I that people see?", "What do I broadcast to the outside world?", "Do I attract love or disappointment?". All these aspects are included in the consciousness and beliefs of people, but they are usually not noticed by the "carriers".

 After completing this course, you will be able to feel what you radiate, and how the quality of it changes every day.

 The result of the course is your awareness of yourself and the conscious formation of your personal life in the way that you feel you want.


What can you expect from the course?

 The better you understand what tasks  are set for, the more conscientiously you perform them, the faster you will notice a change in attitude_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-138d_bad who you want) to you and experience real changes in your personal life. 

How to get married quickly?

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that today you are broadcasting to the Universe, what message you are sending - "I am the one that lonely" or "I am the one that is in the center of the world."_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Pay attention - both the first and the second mean loneliness, but when you are in the spotlight - this is already an attraction, yes, that very law of attraction that starts working for you.

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Books - "Instruction to Reality", "Instruction to the Body", "Keys to Consciousness" and "Wings of the Demon" were written by the author under the pseudonym lee.  Copyrights are protected by international law and the law  "ON COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS".  Any use of the text outside the agreement with the author will be challenged in court. To coordinate the use of the texts of the book “Instruction to Reality. Who am I?"  and "How to materialize thoughts" please contact the address indicated in the contacts of the site.

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