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Personal advice with lee

The author lee continuously posts new materials on various topics, constantly answers various questions on social networks. If this is not enough for you, and you want personal contact, then:

 By signing up for a consultation, you agree that you are ready to work on yourself.

No miraculous decisions from outside will happen without your participation.

 Consultation is carried out via video communication on the Internet. Allocate time from one to two hours, depending on the situation. Date and time is determined individually before payment. After personal contact, support through correspondence is possible within two weeks.

  Cost 1200 euros

Use the form to register.

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Если у вас медицинские вопросы в отношении сложных диагнозов, рекомендуем обратиться сюда

Books - "Instruction to Reality", "Instruction to the Body", "Keys to Consciousness" and "Wings of the Demon" were written by the author under the pseudonym lee.  Copyrights are protected by international law and the law  "ON COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS".  Any use of the text outside the agreement with the author will be challenged in court. To coordinate the use of the texts of the book “Instruction to Reality. Who am I?"  and "How to materialize thoughts" please contact the address indicated in the contacts of the site.

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