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Book of Changes. I-Ching
Interpretation of hexagrams
based on the trigram “Wind”

Trigram  Xun - "Wind"


Триграмма Небо (толкование книги перемен онлайн от lee)

  7. This is the first stage of your success. It comes in full. Any action is unnecessary. At this stage a strong position would be to encourage others and evaluate all that has been accomplished.


The weak side is to get intoxicated by the victory. The celebration might drag on until a severe hangover...

Гексаграмма 28 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 50 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 32 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 46 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 18 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 48 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 57 толкование Книги перемен
Гексаграмма 44 толкование Книги перемен
28 гексаграмма Переразвитие великого
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Hexagram 28 interpretation of the Book of Changes

You have achieved mastery in your endeavor and now you don’t know where to put your efforts.

First of all, the process is over and now it is all about you. Therefore, don't look for a solution on the side.

Secondly, if you want to repeat it, it is still a bit early. Now it is important to become aware of what is happening within you.

You can offer advice within the framework of your endeavor. Extraneous questions will help discern the nuances for yourself.

Keep in mind that this is a stage of internal understanding, do not go into self-glorification and especially not into self-flagellation.

50 гексаграмма Жертвенник
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Hexagram 50 interpretation of the Book of Changes

Hexagram 50 indicates a certain illusory nature of the situation. You are in a stable position where events unfold quite predictably, yet something comes up that captures your attention.

This "something" is not even a temptation to turn aside, but rather a need to share with others.

If you created this problem, it may now appear that voicing complaints could offer a solution. If you are feeling content, then, perhaps, there's a sense that this situation has arisen undeservedly.

In both cases, the potential for feelings of guilt, either implicit or explicit, is at work here.

Here, it is recommended not to dwell on what's happening. Focusing on this could quickly escalate guilt to a feeling of anxiety, paving the way for a scenario where punishment becomes imminent.

Get out of here, try looking as far ahead as possible - what perspectives can you see?

32 гексаграмма постоянство
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Hexagram 32 interpretation of the Book of Changes

Your situation is an abundance of what is available.

It is recommended to pay attention to the feeling of gratitude. In your memory, you can go over all the good things you have, focus all your attention on it - it will multiply.

If you experience a severe shortage regarding your question, know that you have now developed it to the full extent. Which means: stop blaming the outside world - it will only make things worse. Try to pay attention to changing your habits; work out every element of your day in detail.

For a stable business, this is a good position to start expanding.

For a business facing difficulties, it is advisable to reduce all expenses to virtually zero or to undergo a complete transformation.

In a good relationship, it's time for a vacation together.

46 гексаграмма Подъем
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Hexagram 46 interpretation of the Book of Changes

Hexagram 46 points to a place where distant prospects can be seen from the present position.

Your question is becoming obsolete, but it provokes to gather all of your best experiences and take a closer look at the details. This creates a new space of options for future events.

This state can be compared to the morning attunement, when you remember what was accomplished yesterday and what your plans are for the day ahead.

In relationships, this means that you need to think about your future with this person, given past events, because all the little things that you've noticed before will only flourish in the future.

In business - this is the analytical stage, collecting all accumulated data.

18 гексаграмма Исправление
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Hexagram 18 interpretation of the Book of Changes

The situation is such that you are observing a certain repeat of what you have passed in a half-baked form. This situation does not require active action to correct the situation, but rather is caused by excess energy.

Most likely, you are now being haunted by some obsessive thoughts or images, like an old ridden tune.

This has no significance to you, but it may cause some tension. It's important not to direct this inward, or you'll create a disease for yourself.

Try to turn these images into external symbolism and realize it there. For example, throw away old things, update your wardrobe, clean your house.

In relationships, it is recommended to beware of petty grievances, which will then be given an undeserved amount of energy.

In business, it is better to beware of unnecessary investments in pursuit of random profits.

48 гексаграмма Колодец
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Hexagram 48 interpretation of the Book of Changes

It looks like you have your head in the clouds.

This is not a time for visualizing something new, but rather a moment of idle fantasies. "I wish I were a queen..." - says someone who does not even vaguely believe in this.

In such a case, advice to "come down to earth" is useful in order to accomplish present tasks at hand.

In a modern age, it's very typical for people to "relax" by browsing the Internet, while leaving some task unfinished. They may tell themselves, "I'll just take a quick break and ...".

For this position, it is recommended to shift the focus of attention specifically to the end of the task or project, otherwise one could risk ruining it or creating unnecessary difficulties.

57 гексаграмма Проникновение
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Hexagram 57 interpretation of the Book of Changes

You have reached a point of connection with your Higher Self. In this situation, you have the ability to comprehend not only the previous stage, but also how to rise to the next one.

It is recommended to deeply introspect and memorize your new insights really well.

The weakness of this position is that now you can see so far ahead, that you will not remember the essence of the details later.

The situation is characteristic of an altered state of consciousness.

The best thing to do is to capture every detail or coherent image. Musicians at this point are capable of noting down an entire album of fragmented melodies in one sitting, which can later be expanded into separate compositions.

44 гексаграмма Перечение
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Hexagram 44 interpretation of the Book of Changes

Go on vacation.

At this point there is nothing to do, nothing to decide and nothing to plan. This is the final polishing of the past. If you delve into it now, you can create a new problem for yourself out of nowhere.

If everything is going well, take time to rest and rejuvenate - the body is ready for renewal and revitalization.

If you are experiencing difficulties, consider them as being in a phase of self-resolution. "This, too, shall pass" - is a perfect motto for you right now.

In a relationship, this is an awkward pause of some kind, which can better seen as a brief intermission and nothing more.

In business ... go on vacation, don't annoy others.

Books - "Instruction to Reality", "Instruction to the Body", "Keys to Consciousness" and "Wings of the Demon" were written by the author under the pseudonym lee.  Copyrights are protected by international law and the law  "ON COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS".  Any use of the text outside the agreement with the author will be challenged in court. To coordinate the use of the texts of the book “Instruction to Reality. Who am I?"  and "How to materialize thoughts" please contact the address indicated in the contacts of the site.

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