Instructions for reality
Вебинар проведен 29 апреля 2017 года в видео формате.
Duration 1 h 56 min.
Here you can purchase the full record for the price of 650 rub
About the webinar
The purpose of the webinar is to show the underside of how events materialize.
At the webinar you will learn the real mechanics of the Universe.
The webinar will answer the following questions:
How is the entire set of events generated?
How is the time for the implementation of a particular event formed?
How to form the shortest transition from today to desired events?
And you will also learn how the Law of Attraction works as clearly as if you created it yourself ...
The webinar is designed for those who have watched and understand the Creator webinar series.
Materialization Details - A Simple Understanding
Clear understanding of why the law of attraction works
A simple and pleasant way to attract only the necessary events