February is a month filled with vortexes. Like a washing machine, it starts the process of "cleaning dirty laundry," leading to loud scandals, disclosures, and heated emotions.
This month’s unique feature is that many things will be turned upside down. Like in a jar, that has been overturned, the murk rises, and familiar concepts all become mixed up. Conservatives will advocate for change, liberals will demand "traditional values," bureaucrats will complain about oppression by the state, and wolves will shed tears over the cruelty of the world toward them.

This is a time of completing the process of self-determination and a desire to dismantle the old system. While there is still no clear vision of how to build a new one, it is already evident that the old system has no place in our world anymore. However, we see a widespread phenomenon of "changing shoes on the go": ideologists of the old world are trying to lead the process of social evolution. This is where numerous contradictions arise.
On an energetic level, DNA frequencies are being activated - frequencies that hold the memory of our true essence. This happens naturally, without any external intervention. Physical methods are powerless here, as the process occurs "top down," on a non-physical level.
The best approach for this month is to allow the process to unfold. There is no need to push, accelerate, or force anything. Let the Flow carry out its task—to bring you to the desired shore. This evolutionary Flow is so powerful that your main task is to steadily adapt to its twists and turns, rather than trying to assist it.
Do not cling to past truths. What’s the point if your energy is being renewed not over a year, but in just two weeks? You are rapidly changing not only events but entire universes, where even your own data is being altered. New numbers emerge, unknown circumstances surface, and familiar facts disappear.
Get used to it!
The world is moving toward a state where people realize their key role in creating their personal reality. This is no longer philosophy—it is becoming an "everyday fact." How would you imagine such a shift in thinking? Could yesterday’s victims suddenly wake up as Creators?
In fact, this is exactly the process of awakening we are now witnessing. It is not instantaneous but stretched over time. Someone can completely change their perception in a single day, realizing everything in just one morning. But collective reality requires an average speed—those proverbial two steps forward and one step back.
February will allow many individuals to finally anchor themselves in the state of the Creator after a long period of wavering between "preserve or develop." People are beginning to recognize how natural it is to evolve and change. Creativity, as a process, makes the state of victimhood impossible, since being a victim implies passivity. When you channel creative energy, you paradoxically become the Creator. The paradox lies in the fact that by acting without coercion, you become one whose will is absolute.
Enjoy the birth of a new world and your awakening. These times are becoming legendary starting today.